Communicative tools

Communicative tools
Communicative tools are the system which enables easy communication between the teacher and the students or among the students beyond the physical barrier (either space, time or both) of the classroom. Communicative tools like e-mail, electronic bulletin board, chat, etc..

In general with the help of communication tools people can connect with each other, share online content with the click of a button and work together on projects regardless of distance.
For examples, employees can work remotely and attend meetings without having to leave home. business owners can hold conferences online, close deals and invoice customers on the go. The communicative tool allows for real-time communication and information exchange leading to more efficient.

Integration with lessons
Example; In writing lesson, an electronic bulletin board system might be used to publish drafts of students writing. students using a bulletin board system play the roles of judges among themselves and post comments on one another's drafts as part of their homework assignment.

A misuse of communicative tools is to use them for one way delivery of information. Communicative tools might lead students to chat addiction over the internet, refusing the emerge from the cyberworld  to face the real world.

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